Climate Tech 1000
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HolonIQ creates an open source visual taxonomy of climate technology companies, and Electro.Aero made the cut: Top 1000 - Category: Aircraft Management.
Our category: Aircraft Management
“Air travel accounts for as much as 2-3% of global CO₂ emissions. For the sector to become more sustainable, a radical innovation in propulsion technology is required to replace jet fuel combustion. For large aircraft, a low carbon solution is likely decades away. However, an all-electric solution for short haul, commuter flights for less than 20 passengers is much closer to being commercialized. Startups are currently making significant progress in battery electric and hydrogen fuel cells for these planes. Most are designed with rotors instead of wings, which allow for vertical takeoff and landing.” Category description by HolonIQ.
On the HolonIQ website, click Av Aircraft Management to find Electro.Aero.
Interactive data visualization
More specifically, Electro.Aero made the Top 100 in Australia/NZ, and the Top 11 in Mobility, Australia/NZ.
Data visualization: Top 100 Australia/NZ.
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